Music For Fowl

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Defenders of Wildlife
This organization is dedicated to defending the wildlife. A noble endeavor and strongly endorsed by FOWL.

Swans Chasing Geese

This goose chase was caused by an insensitive dogowner who ran his dog too close to the flock of geese at the pond. The geese were haphazardly forced into the pond. Swans do not want geese in their territorial waters therefore geese are chased back out of the water over the sharp rock that surrounds the pond increasing the risk injury. Swans are capble of killing a goose should the swan overrun it. You have to wonder about some people. This dogowner was apprised of his irresponsible actions.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

FOWL Contributions By Interested Followers

Fowl Mission Statement :
We take the necessary action to protect resident Wildlife by addressing, exposing, and eliminating the root causes of WildLife cruelty.
Those followers who are interested in contributing additional content can email us at       

Photos, Stories, Injured Waterbird reports, Witnessed Waterbird Cruelty etc... will be added to this site for educational and informational purposes and  protection of resident waterfowl.


Herman The BlueHeron