Music For Fowl

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Hooked swan rescued by Cary Animal Control and resident of ABC11 Interview at noon 5/2/2018

Many thanks to Cary Animal Control Officer and interviewed resident. While Swan was up on dry land enjoying Romain lettuce the Officer netted the swan while resident helped with removing several Barbed Hooks that were lodged in her right foot. Also thanks to resident's wife, returning from store, who spotted the swan on dry land which prompted a quick call to Cary Officers. And thanks to ABC11 News and all who showed concern about the fate of the Hooked Swan. Good timing and cooperation by all concerned. Now we need to fix the root causes for this egregious form of animal abuse. No need to rescue hooked/abused animals when the root cause is eliminated. Semper Vigilantis!

After the ABC11 Interview "Carolina Waterfowl Rescue" has reached out to us should we need future help with hooked/abused waterfowl. They have the additional resources to help with injured waterfowl. We appreciate their offering. Based in Charlotte but with local contacts. Click on this message for more info.
Barbed Hooks removed from distressed Swan:


ABC11 Closure Interview

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

!!! Alert !!!: Female Swan in Distress at Lochside Pond 4/28/2018

Barbed Hooks are Stuck in Her Right Foot

If Sighted On Land Please Call Animal Control
at 919-469-4012

They can only assist if Swan is on Land

Something wrong about uncontrolled fishing without the facilities to fix/help the injured animals/shorebirds that result from it. Fishing poles are dangerous in the hands of people that have no respect for that danger. The rule should be NO FISHING ALLOWED where there is no facilities to deal with the harmful results that follow.

Animal Control can't help unless the bird is on dry land. Good luck with that?
Otherwise it takes a team of volunteers that work together to corral the bird? Good luck with that too? 

Closer Look at Barbed Hook

ABC11 Interview 
Notice the camera man spotted a barbed hook with string,  on the ground, while filming the interview!


Sunday, April 22, 2018

Bird Nest Destroyed 04/22/2018

Sad to report, after sitting on her nest for several weeks some mean spirited person ran Mother Goose off  her nest and removed the eggs before they could hatch. The nest is located next to a manhole cover at the edge of the Lochlomond Lake  The eggs were probably removed and thrown into the lake water. 
It has been reported that some mean spirited person living at the lake area is bent on destroying nests of the shorebirds. This is an illegal activity. If witnessed please report the culprit to the authorities: Cary Police, Animal Control. Cary is a bird sanctuary where all birds are protected from harm. It is illegal to disturb/destroy a bird's nest.

Mean spirited people include people that allow their aggressive dogs attack the shore birds which is considered Inhumane Treatment of Wildlife as the area signage indicates. If witnessed,  please "say/do something" by reporting to the above mentioned authorities. 

This is the destroyed Nest with eggs removed before hatching:


This is what a recently Hatched Nest looks like where eggs show evidence of hatching: